Home Checkup System
If UltraVision is not performing as well as he should, you can diagnose the problem with a simple home checkup test. If UltraVision fails any part of the checkup test, he may need a replacement part. In this case, please call our customer care center at 1-888-549-8847 for toll-free support in the US and Canada, or email us at support@bObsweep.com. Our hours are Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm, PST.
Remove UltraVision from the charging station. Make sure UltraVision is not near stairs, objects or delicate items, furniture, base-boards, or ledges as his sensors are not working normally while in checkup mode and he can fall off edges and run into objects.
To put UltraVision in checkup mode:
press and hold the “GO” “CHARGE” and “WiFi” buttons simultaneously for a few seconds until the bot says: “Home Checkup Mode Activated”. UltraVision is now in Checkup mode. In this mode, UltraVision's LiDAR sensor rotates.
To exit the Checkup mode:
Press and hold the “GO” “CHARGE” and “Wi-Fi” buttons. You’ll hear “Exiting Home Checkup Mode” and UltraVision's LiDAR sensor stops rotating.
During Checkup test, if UltraVision's left idle for more than a minute, he’ll automatically exit the Home Checkup Test.
Step 1: Battery
1. As UltraVision enters Checkup mode, you will hear: “Home Checkup Mode Activated”, “Battery”. Alternatively, you can press the Wi-Fi button a few times again until you hear “Battery”. Press the GO button and you’ll hear “Begin Test”.
- If the battery is sufficiently charged all 5 indicators light up.
- If the battery is not quite fully charged but has some charge, the less number of indicators light up on the screen
- If the battery’s charge is below 10%, only 1 indicator lights up
2. Allow UltraVision to fully charge overnight if less than 5 indicators light up. If manually placing UltraVision on the charging station, make sure the charging plates on UltraVision are in contact with the charging station’s. The battery indicator should be pulsing to confirm UltraVision is in fact charging.
3. Press Go to “Stop test”. Then move to the next step.
Step 2: Edge Sensors
1. Press the Wi-Fi button until you hear “Edge Sensors”. Press the GO button and to “Begin Test”.
2. To test the Edge Sensors, lift UltraVision off the floor about a foot. Make sure the edge sensors are not accidentally covered by your fingers. It’s also recommended to remove UltraVision's side brush to ensure the edge sensors are not obstructed.
3. The Right, Front, and Left edge sensors on UltraVision each correspond with “GO”, “Mute”, and “Trouble” indicators on the screen. These indicators start flashing when UltraVision's lifted off the floor.
4. Press the GO button and “Stop Test”, then move on to the next step.
Step 3: Charging Station
1. Press the Wi-Fi button until you hear “Charging Station”.
2. Place UltraVision about 0.5 ft in front of the plugged in charging station with his bumper facing away from the station.
3. Press GO and “Begin test”. UltraVision will start to rotate counterclockwise for about 330 degrees. As UltraVision starts to rotate and the charging station and UltraVision's sensors successfully communicate, the indicators on UltraVision's screen take the following states:
Left Charging Sensor - Trouble indicator flashes
Front Left Charging Sensor - Wi-Fi indicator flashes
Front Right Charging Sensor - Battery indicator flashes
Right Charging Sensor - Go indicator flashes
Once done, the indicators shine solid to confirm all sensors are in good working condition.
4. Press the GO button and “Stop Test”, then move on to the next step.
Step 4: Bumpers and WiFi
1. Press the Wi-FI button until you hear “Bumpers and Wi-Fi”. Press PLAY to “Begin Test”.
2. Once you “Begin Test”, UltraVision automatically tests his connection to WiFi and the WiFi indicator lights up on the screen.
3. To test UltraVision's touch sensors, place UltraVision on a flat surface; then slowly press the left, center and right side of UltraVision's bumper. The following indicators each correspond with one of the touch sensors and flash upon successful passing of each touch sensor test.
Left Touch Sensor - Trouble indicator flashes
Center Touch Sensor - Go + Trouble indicators flash
Right Touch Sensor - Go indicator flashes
5. To test LiDAR’s mini-bumper, lightly press on the LiDAR cover. “Mute” indicator starts flashing on the screen confirming the LiDAR mini-bumper is in good condition.
6. Press the GO button to “Stop Test”, then move on to the next step.
Step 5: Motors (Wheels, Main and Side Brushes, and Vacuum)
1. Press the Wi-Fi button until you hear “Motors”.
2. Lift UltraVision off the floor or hold him tight to secure his position as he will move with force in this step. When ready, press GO to “Begin Test”.
3. The vacuum motor pulses and blows air from the left rear vent for a few seconds, then stops.
4. The “Mute” indicator lights up on the screen to confirm the vacuum motor is working fine.
5. The wet mopping pump starts running for a few seconds, then stops.
6. left and right wheels, and main and side brushes start rotating, confirming their motors are in good working condition.
7. Press the PLAY button and “Stop Test”, then move on to the next step.
Step 6 - LiDAR and Charging
1. Press the Wi-Fi button until you hear “LiDAR and Charging”.
2. Place UltraVision back on a flat surface, and press GO to “Begin Test”.
3. Place UltraVision against a white wall and slowly rotate him with your hand. The “Mute” indicator flashes as each of LiDAR’s 3 directions detect the wall.
4. Place UltraVision on his plugged in charging station with charging contact points touching. After about 5 seconds the self-empty runs, and “GO” and “Trouble” indicators flash on the screen to confirm the battery charging is in working order. UltraVision will announce “Test successful”.
5. Press the GO button and “Stop Test”.
Step 7 - Reset Device
1. Press the Wi-Fi button again until you hear “Reset Device”.
Note that this is a hard reset of all of UltraVision's data, and will erase any information stored on the device. This includes all existing Map data, scheduling data, and customized cleaning data. To avoid accidental erasing of UltraVision's data, use this step in isolation only.
2. Do not press PLAY and watch the Hard Reset | UltraVision video for more information.
The Home Checkup Test is now complete! Press the “GO” “CHARGE” and “WI-FI” buttons together again. You’ll hear “Exiting Home Checkup Mode” and UltraVision's LiDAR sensor stops rotating.
If UltraVision completes the checkup test without any issues, then his internal parts are working properly!
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