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bObsweep App
If Orb-i is in trouble and needs your help, he will stop, and his trouble indicator will blink. Open the bObsweep app to see what the issue is.
Trouble: Left Wheel
- Left wheel is jammed. Check for obstruction and clean.
Trouble: Right Wheel
- Right wheel is jammed. Check for obstruction and clean.
Trouble: Main Brush
- Main brush is jammed. Remove and clean. Use tweezers to remove congestion from the brush ends. Clean brush components, including the main compartments and the main brush gate.
Trouble: Side Brushes
- Side brushes are jammed. Remove and clean. Use scissors or the cleaning tool to cut hair wrapped around the brushes. Clean brush components, including the side brush compartment.
Trouble: Dustbin
- Dustbin is disconnected or not correctly put together. Reassemble and reinsert. Vacuum motor is jammed. Check for obstructions and clean
Trouble: Bumper
- Check the bumper for obstruction and clean. Tap and lightly press the bumper from end to end to ensure it can move freely. Use a cleaning brush or compressed air to remove any congestion.
Trouble: Wall Sensors
- Wall sensors are dirty. Wipe around the bumper and wall sensors.
Trouble: Edge Sensor
- Orb-i is near a cliff / Edge sensors are dirty. Move Orb-i to safety / Clean sensors.
Trouble: LiDAR
- LiDAR is not clean/lost visibility. Clean the LiDAR and move Orb-i away from mirrors/metallic surfaces and close to a wall. Do not apply force, insert objects, or adjust the sensor.
Trouble: LiDAR Bumper
- LiDAR bumper is jammed. Check for obstructions and clean.
Trouble: Battery
- Low or disconnected battery. Check connection. Reset, charge Orb-i.
Trouble: User Interface
- Orb-i's UI/USB port is not responding. Reset Orb-i and ensure the USB port is empty.
Trouble: Charging Station
- Can't locate the charging station. Unplug the charging station and clean its front window. Plug it back to the wall and send Orb-i to charge. Once Orb-i docks, check to make sure the battery indicator is flashing, confirming Orb-i is charging.
Trouble: Stuck
- Orb-i is stuck. Clear away obstacles/clutter/wires, place Orb-i in the middle of the room and resume cleaning. Do not relocate Orb-i's charging station once he’s done mapping the house or he can get disoriented.
Trouble: Navigation
- Orb-i is not able to navigate. Restart Orb-i from his charging station. Do not relocate Orb-i's charging station once he’s done mapping the house or he can get disoriented.
If the issue persists, Orb-i is unable to locate his position in the map. Verify the active cleaning map on the bObsweep app and switch to the correct floor map, then place Orb-i in the center of the room and resume cleaning.
If the issue continues, erase the map and let Orb-i remap the floor. Then use the Map menu to save the active map. This way you can load the saved map into active if Orb-i ever has navigation issues again.
Trouble: Mapping
- Orb-i can't self locate on map. Restart Orb-i from his charging station. Do not relocate Orb-i's charging station once he’s done mapping the house or he can get disoriented.
If the issue persists, Orb-i is unable to locate his position in the map. Verify the active cleaning map on the bObsweep app and switch to the correct floor map, then place Orb-i in the center of the room and resume cleaning.
If the issue continues, erase the map and let Orb-i remap the floor. Then use the Map menu to save the active map. This way you can load the saved map into active if Orb-i ever has navigation issues again.
Trouble: Settings
- Current app room settings don't match Orb-i's. Change map configurations/routines
Trouble: Electronic
- Electronic component error. Reset Orb-i (switch Off and back On).
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